Blog – BP

Another payment: Scharfstein v. BP West Coast

It’s been a long road. And now we’re coming to the end. Next week, final checks will start going out in the settlement Scharfstein v. BP West Coast Products, LLC. This is the final round of payments from a settlement that was completed last year. The case arose out of overcharges… Continue Reading →

Class Actions: What are they good for?

Here is a great summary from Take Justice Back on why the US Chamber of Commerce is so very wrong about class actions. Closer to home, we’re waiting final rulings in our BP consumer fraud class action for illegal debit card fees at Oregon ARCO stations. More news soon, I… Continue Reading →

BP class action update: Claim time!

The claim process has started in our consumer fraud class action against BP for illegal debit card fees at Oregon ARCO stations. We’re getting a lot of calls, emails, and questions on our Facebook page. And on top of it all, ice and snow have moved into Portland. So… Continue Reading →

BP Class Action Update: Class Notice

Finally. Class notice has started in our class action against BP. The case involves illegal debit card charges levied on Oregon gas purchasers. We’re suing under the Unlawful Trade Practices Act because BP violates the Oregon rules governing gasoline price advertising. Here is a link to the class action… Continue Reading →

Oregonian on BP consumer fraud class action

The Oregonian picked up the filing of the BP class action. Their report is here on OregonLive. More on the case–including a copy of the initial complaint (pdf)–is here. A few clarifications: 1. The case covers only debit card purchases of gasoline at Oregon ARCO and AM/PM minimarket… Continue Reading →