Civil Justice System

Blog – Civil Justice System

When the Feds Invade Portland

It started with an idea among a group of Portland lawyers. We took oaths to support the Constitution. And that means supporting Black lives and supporting the rights of protesters. Portland protesters put their bodies on the line to stand for Black Lives Matter. Donald Trump and Chad Wolf chose… Continue Reading →

Twitter from the jury box in Brooklyn

My sleepy Monday started with full-on Twitter commentary emanating from a courtroom in Brooklyn. It seems that Ryan J. Davis (@RyanNewYork), a Brooklyn social media-active guy had gotten pulled into court for jury duty. Mr. Davis was live-tweeting voir dire–AKA jury selection–from the court room. That’s to say, he was… Continue Reading →

Sen. Santorum and the Hypocrisy of Damage Caps

I’ve heard so much about the Santorum surge and how he is a man of principle–a values candidate, a different kind of politician. Senator Santorum has been part of the echo chamber for caps on damages in medical injury lawsuits. He hits all the rhetoric about how caps are necessary… Continue Reading →