frivolous lawsuits

Blog – frivolous lawsuits

Sen. Santorum and the Hypocrisy of Damage Caps

I’ve heard so much about the Santorum surge and how he is a man of principle–a values candidate, a different kind of politician. Senator Santorum has been part of the echo chamber for caps on damages in medical injury lawsuits. He hits all the rhetoric about how caps are necessary… Continue Reading →

Hot Coffee, frivolous lawsuits and HBO

HBO premiers Hot Coffee, The Movie tonight. The documentary is Oregon attorney Susan Saladoff’s labor of love. Susan put aside her law practice to will this film into being. She is a force of nature. Susan makes no bones about her point of view. Like me, she is… Continue Reading →

The Rakofsky Standard

I missed the initial Rakofsky story in the Washington Post because I was unplugged on vacation. Short version, via Twitter friends and the internet, is that a young attorney in New York represented a man accused of murder in a Washington D.C. criminal case. There were a few issues… Continue Reading →