I don’t really have time for this. I have two briefs due this week. The first is an opposition to a motion for summary judgment in a product liability case. The second is a reply brief in our consumer fraud class action against BP for failing to disclose debit card… Continue Reading →
I’ve heard so much about the Santorum surge and how he is a man of principle–a values candidate, a different kind of politician. Senator Santorum has been part of the echo chamber for caps on damages in medical injury lawsuits. He hits all the rhetoric about how caps are necessary… Continue Reading →
I always enjoy a good smack down. Especially when it is well-deserved. Today, the National Arbitration Forum issued its decision in KBR, Inc. v. Jeffery L. Raizner, Claim Number FA1110001413439. For those playing along at home, here is a pdf copy National Arbitration Forum Decision on kbrlitigation (2) Backstory… Continue Reading →
HBO premiers Hot Coffee, The Movie tonight. The documentary is Oregon attorney Susan Saladoff’s labor of love. Susan put aside her law practice to will this film into being. She is a force of nature. Susan makes no bones about her point of view. Like me, she is… Continue Reading →
I missed the initial Rakofsky story in the Washington Post because I was unplugged on vacation. Short version, via Twitter friends and the internet, is that a young attorney in New York represented a man accused of murder in a Washington D.C. criminal case. There were a few issues… Continue Reading →
Via Twitter, the law blog world and a few local lists, I’ve spent the better part of a week thinking about lawyer advertising. First thing: I am biased. I believe that the law is a profession. As such, our clients come first, the justice system next, and we come third. Continue Reading →
It took less than 24 hours for various states’ attorneys general to start the saber rattling. Apparently, at least 10 states are lining up to litigate constitutional challenges to the historic passage of health care reform. The talking points memo was apparently released early. My understanding from a casual… Continue Reading →